Scarifying on the Priors this week.
Below we have a before, during and 2 afters. The second picture is the 1st green on the Priors with vertical lines 2mm wide and 25mm deep cut into the surface. This is then blown, brushed, blown, cut and watered. The last process is topdress with 1 ton of sand as seen in picture 3 followed finally by brushing and watering. Each green takes around 1 hour from start to finish to produce the final surface.
1st Priors |
Construction yard |
Beach |
Almost back to normal
Both courses have been fed in preparation for the aggressive nature of the work. The Abbotts is having the same procedure next week with the course being
CLOSED from 12o'clock next Monday.
Recovery will be quicker than hollow-tining, with half decent surfaces back within a week Autumn aeration is early this year in the hope that strong growth in August will allow faster recovery meaning better greens for longer into early winter.