Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Moving into Autumn soon the course is currently very dry awaiting some much needed precipitation.

Priors greens have been hollow-tined and are recovering nicely helped in no small part by the warm weather.  The height has been lowered on the Priors and these greens will be verti-cut next week.  Top soil is being added back to the mounding between 6 and 12 with the final shape now coming through. Soil importation is almost finished with the new 13th and 11th tees receiving a final grade in the next few weeks.

12th green Priors

Greens on the Abbotts have received an early attack of Fusarium but warm weather and strong growth will see this disappear in the coming weeks.  Fungicide will be sprayed early next week as a preventative for the usual autumn attacks.  We are trying not to water to much on greens as the summer comes to a close, hoping to go into the winter months with firm, dry greens.

Area of rough have now all been cut, once we receive some rainfall some of these areas will be sprayed with a product to kill the courser grasses in the sward.  This will leave thin, poor and unsightly roughs throughout the course over the winter.  With good spring growth these areas will fill in with finer grass species leaving rough in better condition than previous years.  As you can see below tree bases are surrounded by bramble so this will be another job for the winter months.

9th Abbotts

13th T Abbotts