Hollow-tining on the Priors was a non starter, the course was far to dry and the machine just ripped the surface to pieces, so as you've no doubt seen, we heavily dressed, then tined, then tidied up the surface. Nearly 2 week on and the Priors have recovered very well although there will be more than normal disturbance over the winter on these greens as we attack the thatch build up and firm them up ready for the new season.
A ton and a half per green |
Before and after brushing
Next week we are hollow-tining the Abbotts. Front 9 on the Monday and Back 9 on the Tuesday. The greens will be on temporaries at some point during the day to allow us to do the work. This work will cause lots of disturbance to the surface on the day but if the weather stays warm greens should soon return to normal.
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