Monday, 1 February 2016

Priors bunding is moving on at a pace.  After a slow start in March/April the project is moving very fast now.

12th view

The far mound to the left of the 13th Tee has been completed ready for final level and seeding.

Work will continue on the area between the 6th and 12th  with a view to finish the far side by spring and working on the  11th hole through the summer.  The new 13th tee position has been agreed with building beginning along with dry weather later in the spring.  The new 11th Tee will be situated on the old 9th medal Tee, with some scrub clearance needed in front of this area.

11th fairway

New 11th T position

It is hoped that work should be finished by the end of the summer with some small GUR areas over the winter 2017.

1 comment:

التميز المثالي للخدمات المنزلية said...
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