A busy period on the golf course at the moment as you would expect. Greens received a solid tine and dress this week along with a verti-cut just to tidy up the surfaces. All greens have been feed with a liquid feed which will now be the format for the rest of the summer, a light feed every 2-3 weeks just to keep the surfaces tight and rolling along.
a verti-cut unit designed to cut lateral growth and promote an upright habit |
3/8th tines down to 2" with around 1/2 a tonne of sand on each green
The 1st bunker will be back in play by the weekend, once it has been topped up. The 16th Tee is now back on a receiving light use. It is now being cut at Tees height but we will monitor wear and rest this Tee if we feel it is becoming worn out.
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