Friday, 16 May 2014

A golf course at last!  Still thin and weak in places just of greens and path ends but much improved in the last 2 weeks.
11th hole

Fairways, Tees and Aprons have been fed this week with a concoction of 2 different fertilizers.  A Prilled Urea to promote strong shoot growth and a Potassium Nitrate to encourage roots.  Together with this we included Sulphate of Iron, this provides a lovely dark colour and hardens the leaf blade to further strengthen the plant.  On top of this were 3 further ingredients.  2 selective herbicides, when working together they provide control of a large variety of different weeds in the sward and you will already notice the weeds shriveling up even after 3 days.  Finally we included a growth regulator which provides a more consistent stable growth pattern.  Most fairways on the Abbotts now have a good dense sward with only a few still with poor patches although these are filling in quickly now.  

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