Thursday, 5 June 2014

Settling down into a more predictable pattern the course is almost in full summer mode.  Our regular pattern of routine maintenance on the Abbotts looks something like this:

Greens:               Cut ever day 3hrs  As temperature rises we will miss the odd day and sometimes miss the                              perimeter cut.
Tees/Aprons:       Cut twice per week 6hrs.
Fairways:             Twice per week 8hrs.
Semi:                   Once/Twice per week 10hrs.
Rough:                 Once per week, which takes 2.5 days
Bunkers:              Two or three times per week 3hrs
Holes:                  Twice per week 3hrs.

This is just the bare minimum and we haven't yet included strimming, edging bunkers, ditch edges, spraying which accounts for a day a week, machine setting up, breakages etc etc.  The list is huge and varied and it is always a struggle to try and shoehorn the important work like aeration, dressing and cultural practices into the mix.

Oh, and I forgot the Priors!

The 16th Tee is being rested for 2 weeks, we pushed to hard and bought it into play to soon.  Solid-tined twice, heavily seeded and lightly dressed together with feed at the end of last week will see an improvement very soon.

16th T

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