Monday 15 April 2013

Spring has finally shown it's hand with the last of the really bad weather behind us.  Now we have the job of forcing on the surfaces as quickly as possible.  Greens have received a light verti-cut and topdress on the Abbotts.  This will be followed up in the next week or two with a solid-tine and heavy dress on both courses.  Later in the week all greens are being sprayed with fertilizer, a light iron application to harden the grass against disease and seaweed to encourage root growth.  Along with this we will be spraying a product that slows the vertical growth rate of the grass thus improving the sward density by encouraging the energy from the plant to produce more shoots.  All these processes are part of our usual regimented pattern.  This will continue right through the growing season to enable consistency of surfaces on not just a daily but weekly basis.

Greens will be topdressed heavily in the next week or two to smooth out surfaces and increase sward density.

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